Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Sugar Baby Watermelons

Thought I might update my garden photos.
This is the edge of my garden. Above you see five Sugar Baby Watermelons. I think they are too large. I assumed they would be the size of a canteloupe, but two of these guys are a foot across.

I pulled this one and cut it open. I was afraid I had  watered too much and it would be overripe and mushy. It turned out okay.

And, last but not least, I grew two other types of melons with my Sugar Babies.
The top left is an Orangelo, they are orange inside. I thought they were round but I have four of them and they are all long like that one. In the bottom center, the small round guy on the bottom is a Yellow Tiger. If grown with Sugar Babies, they are seedless and yellow inside. This is the only one I have so I will take care to make sure it is ripe before pulling. On top of the Yellow Tiger is of course a Sugar Baby, one of six that size.